My Blog Skin Care Summer

Skin Care 101: How To Keep Your Face Looking Fresh In The Summer

Over the summer, we start to see people wearing more sun-friendly clothes and taking advantage of the warmer weather. However, as the temperatures rise, our skin does too. Our skin is exposed to harsh UV rays and the heat from outside surfaces all year round, but that doesn’t mean it needs a break! Make sure …

Skin Care

How to Create a Daily Skin Care Routine at Home

Taking care of our skin is incredibly important, we put our skin through a lot as the years go by, and with it being classed as the largest organ, we should really take time to make sure that we are caring for it properly. Whether you have sensitive skin, acne-prone skin, oily skin, combination skin, …

My Blog Skin Care

A 5-Step Skincare Routine for Sensitive Skin

If you’re tired of having sensitive skin, switching to a more natural skincare routine might be the solution. Consider ditching harsh cleansers and irritating fragrances, products that can irritate and dry out sensitive skin. So, what should you use instead? First, identify what kind of skin you have – is it dry? Oily? Combination? And …

My Blog Skin Care

What Products Are Safe to Use for Pregnancy Skincare?

Pregnancy is an exciting time, filled with hopes and dreams for the future. Of course, many expectant mothers are also thinking about skincare, including which products can be used safely while nursing. According to the Food and Drug Administration, most products labelled as over-the-counter (OTC) or as safe for “pregnancy” are safe for breastfeeding when …

My Blog Summer

The Latest Fashion Hairstyles for Summer 2023

In today’s world, fashion has become increasingly popular and trendsetting. And this summer is no exception. In fact, there are so many new and exciting hairstyles that it can be tough to choose just a few. Summer is the perfect time to try out some new hairstyles! From short pixie cuts to braided updos, these …

Makeup Skin Care

Why It’s Important to Take Your Makeup Off Before Bed

It’s 7 p.m., and your bathroom counter is covered with makeup. After a few hours, you realize you look old and tired. You take a look in the mirror and realize that you haven’t worn makeup in days. It’s easy to forget to take your makeup off before going to bed—especially if it’s been a …

My Blog Skin Care

Easy Tips to Cover Acne Without Concealer

Dealing with acne can be one of the toughest parts of growing up. The scars, redness, and blemishes can make you feel self-conscious about your appearance, and you want nothing more than to get rid of it for good. Luckily, there are ways to cover your acne without wearing makeup, and these tips will help …